Holy Tabernacle Church Of God In Christ is a
non-profit, religious organization affiliated with the
CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, founded by the late Bishop C.H. Mason in 1907, and headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee.
Holy Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, founded in
is currently in the Ecclesiatical Jurisdiction of Vermont.
Though physically located in Connecticut, we are committed to
spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through the expansion of the
Church of God in Christ, in the State of Vermont, while holding up
the light of Christ in our local community.
We are a congregation whose teachings, activities, and philosophy are
firmly based on a literal interpretation of the Bible. We welcome the
presence of the Holy Ghost in all of our gatherings, and rejoice
freely in the God of our Salvation.
There are no strangers at The Tabernacle...only brothers and sisters,
who we haven't met before.
COVID-19 Church Plan:
as of March 28, 2021
Please be advised that Sunday Service will resume at 12 Noon onsite and on ZOOM. ALL Bible Studies and Meetings will continue to be held on ZOOM only until further notice.
The COVID-19 and CDC gathering protocols and restrictions will continue to be observed and followed for services and public gatherings on site.
As we look for ways to stay connected as a church family, please join us at our onsite Sunday Services and via our ZOOM/Conference Services, Bible Studies and Sharing events.
Please see the information and times below:
Sunday: on ZOOM
12 PM EST – Sunday Service
6:30 PM EST – YPWW
Wednesday: on ZOOM
· NOON EST- Noon Day Prayer
Friday: on ZOOM
· 7 PM EST- Prayer and Bible Band
8 PM EST - Missions Bible Study
Saturday: on ZOOM
· 7 PM EST - Sunday School
Join in on any of the above Bible study and Prayer groups via online from your laptop, tablet, or cellphone. Please select the following link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2545973230 (Passcode: 2271)
Dail-in information:
(US) (646) 558 8656
code: 2545973230##
Passcode 2271#
Cellphone: 6465588656,,,2545973230#,#,2271#
We will provide more information and updates as it becomes available. It’s important that we remain vigilant and continuously hold each other up in prayer.
In closing, we ask for your continued loyal support as we go through this period as a Church.
Please continue giving your tithes and offering using one of the following methods:
· 1) For PayPal, click the link:
Tabernacle PayPal link
· 2) Use CashApp - ID $HolyTab2271
(Please ensure 2271 is at the end)
3) Use Zelle - ID
· 4) Send/Mail check or money order
to the church address:
2271 North Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 0660
(please do not mail cash)
· 5) Drop off in church’s locked mailbox
outside the side service entrance
door (No cash please)
· 6) Slide under the Pastor’s office door
· 7) Tithe box, if the Finance Room
door is opened
· 8) Person to Person from your local
bank if available holytabernaclecogic2271@gmail.com
· 9) To pay by phone (debit card) -
contact Bro. Johnny Johnson at
We will continue to provide updates! God bless you.
Holy Tabernacle COGIC
2271 North Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Phone: 1. 203. 367.8518
Upcoming Services and Events: